Coronavirus COVID-19 image set banner in concept of prevention i NH Training Self Assessment NH Training Self AssessmentEstablishing an Infection Prevention Program in a Nursing Home, With an Emphasis on COVID-19 Is Your NH Ready to Handle the Demands of COVID-19_ Assessing Readiness? Advice from the CDC COVID-19 Surveillance to Enable Early Detection and Response to Outbreaks: National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Mandatory Data Collection COVID-19 Testing Accepting New Patients During a Pandemic: Hospital Transfers and Community Admissions Considerations Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Strategies for COVID Care Creating a COVID-19 Recovery Center Cleaning Environmental Surfaces and Shared Equipment Cohorting Strategies Telehealth in Nursing Homes Transparency: Resident and Family Notification, Department of Health and Other Notifications Clinical Care: Managing COVID-Positive Residents Managing Staffing Challenges, including Employee Health Considerations CCN Email Does my nursing home have an infection prevention program in place with an emphasis on COVID-19? Yes NoHas my facility completed an infection control self-assessment to determine if we are ready to handle the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic? Yes NoDoes my nursing home have a surveillance plan in place that screens residents and staff for COVID-19, responds to outbreaks and ensures National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) mandatory data collection? Yes NoDoes my facility have COVID-19 testing strategies currently in place that comply with federal guidelines? Yes NoDo my frontline staff know how to effectively handle incoming transfers from hospitals and admissions from the community during the pandemic? Yes NoAre all staff using proper hand hygiene and correct personal protective equipment (PPE) procedures to decrease the spread of COVID-19? Yes NoDo we have a plan in place to establish a dedicated COVID-19 care center? Yes NoDoes my facility have a workable plan in place to manage care for COVID-19-positive residents? Yes NoDo we have an effective plan in place to clean our facility and shared equipment, so that COVID-19 does not enter the facility and/or spread? Yes NoDoes my facility have a dedicated cohorting area for residents who are COVID-19-positive? Yes NoDoes my facility have the appropriate equipment and processes in place so residents are able to have telehealth appointments with their doctors? Yes NoDoes my nursing home have an effective communication plan in place that provides COVID-19 updates in our facility to families and residents? Yes NoDo I have processes in place to ensure adequate staffing when staff are ill or test positive for COVID-19? Yes NoAssess Your Training Needs